Sunday, October 26, 2014

Steve Craig's Men's Men and Women's Women

In Steve Craig's Men's Men and Women's Women, he describes the four different gendered categories that advertisers use in order to reach their target audience; Men's Men, Men's Women, Women's Women, and Women's Men. A Men's Men commercial is aimed at men. It will usually be aired during weekend sports. The commercial will usually feature all males in a setting away from home. A Men's Women commercial is also aimed at men. It will usually be aired on the weekend. These commercials usually feature a male or males and a sexy, young woman, again, in a setting away from home. A Women's Women commercial is aimed at women, usually a housewife. It will usually be aired in the daytime. These commercials usually feature an attractive woman at home, usually with her children and/or husband. Finally, a Women's Man commercial is also targeted at women. It will usually be aired during the daytime. These commercials usually feature a very attractive, young male and a woman.

I definitely agree that most commercials are gendered. However, I hadn't really noticed until I read this article. One set of commercials that I had noticed were targeted towards men were the Carl's Jr. commercials with celebrities. I noticed because why else would they choose a very sexy and thin celebrity to eat their hamburger in a bikini, unless it was to target men to buy their burgers. After reading this article, however, I began to notice how almost every commercial was gendered. Cleaning products commercials were aired during the day when moms would be home and beer commercials were aired on the weekends when dads would usually be home. I have to give advertisers props for this strategy because it actually works. They meet the consumers needs while selling their products. Everyone wins.

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